Free Keystone Jack Creator by Conrad This feature generates a Keystone Jack at the location specified by a mate connector. Useful for manufacturing items that frequently use keystones, such as rack equipment, server chassis, and wall plates. networking chassis 3d printing wiring
$10.00 Shrink Wrap by Caden Armstrong The Shrink Wrap feature approximates the shape of a given part with a single surface in order to obfuscate the actual geometry and design, while keeping the general size and shape of the part. The feature works by taking sample points across the circle and generating a B-Spline surface. The sample points are generated from projections of an ellipsoid, so the feature will not capture internal cavities, and the resulting feature may miss details in certain areas. As the surface is an approximation, some of the part may extend beyond the generated shrink wrap, to account for this, an additional thickness may be added to ensure a maximum possible size. obfuscate surfacing
Free Measured Area and Volume Variables by Conrad This feature adds the ability to use area and volume as measured variables in a project tools
Free Sketch Grid by Caden Armstrong Generate a sketch containing a grid of sketch points. Sketch points are generated inside out to ensure reference tracking when the sketch grid size is increased. sketch grid sketching
$50.00 Multi Config by Caden Armstrong This feature set generates all (or many) configurations of a part. The user can select a number of options for each configuration parameter, and generate all possible combinations of those chosen parameters. configurations
Free Mirror and Colour by Caden Armstrong Perform a part mirror and colour the result in one step. Useful for design processes that require a lot of left/right parts. standard feature
$100.00 PCB Panelization by Caden Armstrong PCB Panelization feature turns a single PCB shape into a panelized part with routings and breakaway tabs. PCB Pattern manufacturing process automation
Free Hand Drawn by Caden Armstrong This feature creates the effect of an hand inked drawing, but in 3D. User has the ability to set the variability of each wire to give the right level of jitter for the model. Faces without edges can be projected into a plane to provide phantom edges that otherwise wouldn't exist. visualization
Free Measure Cut List by Michael Pascoe (CADSharp) This custom feature creates a table of measurements. Useful when you need a cut list of parts. tools tables wood working cabinetry